15 Things To Do With Your Baby This Summer

Our sweet baby girl is growing so fast, and this summer will be some really fun times for her developmentally!

We love spending time outside, and I wanted to share some ideas that I have come up with to give her something to do.

She’s turning three months old this month (April) and in Texas, the weather is starting to warm up. Here are some ideas of things I can do with her outside now, and more as she gets big enough to sit and really start playing this summer!

Just a quick side note—All of these activities should be supervised, and enjoyed by both you and your baby!

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Summer Activities:

1. Gardening

This one has been so fun for us! We have been slowly accumulating things to grow in our garden that we are building, so once every afternoon P gets to hang in the carrier, and we water all of our plants! Its so good for both of us, plus we grabbed this super cute watering can to make it even that more fun (and beautiful!)

2. Going For A Walk

Either in the stroller or carrier, we love to get out and walk around the neighborhood. We are lucky to have sidewalks, but if you don’tgetting out to a park or a trail is a great option!

3. Playing Fetch With The Dogs

One of our dogs will chase a ball all day long if we will throw it! And Paislee love’s watching her run around.

4. Tummy Time Outside

Grab a picnic blanket and some toys, and go lay out under a tree or in the grass for some play time!

5. Picnic

While you are doing some tummy time outside, use the opportunity to eat lunch/a snack out there! This super cute and portable high chair is perfect for this!

6. Beach Tent with baby pool

This tent is perfect for play in your back yard, or if you are going somewhere and need to keep your baby out of the sun and entertained!

7. Edible Paint

This paint made out of veggies is baby safe, and very much so messy! I’m so excited to get these and set this up outside and paint with my girl!

8. Ball Pit/ Kiddie Pool

This one goes two ways… grab a kiddie pool (I love this one because its padded on the bottom) and fill it with some water! Take it a step further and add some plastic balls, and you both will be entertained!

9. Blowing Bubbles

This one is so fun! I love this pack of 12, because if the bubbles spill, you have more available for other days of play! Plus, the jumbo bubles are so fun!

10. Ice Melting

If you have some sidewalks or concrete, you can take some ice and make some art, watch it melt, or anything with ice really!

11. DIY Water Blob from KidsActivities.Com

This site has so many fun ideas, and I can’t wait to try this DIY!

12. Water Table/ Sensory Table

I love this because it can be used so many different ways.

13. Outdoor Baby Swing

This swing is so cute! It’s perfect for indoor/outdoor use, and great if you don’t have a place to hang one outside.

14. Taste Safe Cloud Dough + Sand Toys from Life As Mama Bear

This is great for the sensory table or even just a plastic bucket!

15. Foam Pool from the Train Drivers Wife

How fun is this?!

I’m so looking forward to doing these things with P this summer, and I hope that this gives you a little inspiration! Don’t forget the sunscreen and the bug spray!

What are some of your favorite activities to do with your little one during the summer?

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