Baby S IS A….

About two months after we brought Paislee home, I knew that I wanted her to have a sibling close in age. Plus, we figured if we are in the thick of the diapers, bottles, and spit up, we might as well have another one 🤷‍♀️

My brother and I were 12 months and 10 days apart and it was so fun. All of my best and favorite memories of my childhood and even up through high school are with him. Those memories growing up with him are ones I will cherish for life.

Anyways, when P was 7 months old we found out that baby number 2 was coming. 

I was so excited and nervous, hoping that my body would cooperate and not be too mad at me for getting pregnant so soon and not listening to the “experts” about waiting 12-18 months after you had a baby to start trying. 

Low and behold, my body didn’t skip a beat. In fact, this pregnancy has been easier than the last one, and I think a big part of it was that I had to take care of another baby. Fun fact, Pais started crawling the same day we found out we were pregnant, and is currently running around our house. So having her to take care of has been a good distraction from the rougher parts of pregnancy and has also been a great way to keep me in shape! 

Paislee and baby 2 will be 15 or so months apart, and I can’t wait to see what kind of relationship they will have. 

I pray for both of them daily. Currently, for both of them to know and love Jesus for themselves, for them to have a lifelong friendship, for them to grow and teach each other, and for them to truly understand that having a sibling is like having a built-in best friend. 

I can’t wait to see Paislee step into the role of big sister. I can’t wait to watch Kyle look into our new baby’s eyes again, and form a bond like he has with P. I can’t wait for the challenge of 2 under 2, but fully anticipate it to be 100% worth it. 

I can’t wait to bring into the world our baby boy, making us a family of 4. 

We love you so much baby boy, and can’t wait to meet you.

want to see more behind the scenes of this pregnancy + our day to day life?

If you aren’t already, follow me on insta @sidnee_mckenzi!

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